American Eagle Lubricants Inc., is proud to introduce its new line of Automotive motor oils, lubricants, additives, car care and DIY products. Since 1986, the “American Eagle” brand is known for its high quality products, which are already distributed over 35 different countries in the world and in the United States.
Our people in the Research & Development Department, make their utmost efforts, to give you as our customer and the end user, a product which is top quality and also considerable pricewise.
American Eagle’s plants and warehouses are located in 3 different places in the United States, Europe and China, to allow flexibility in transporting goods in the country itself and for our export customers.
We, in “American Eagle”, hope that you will find in this website, all you need for your market, and if by any reason you do not find the product you need, please, do not hesitate to contact us’ and we shall be happy to assist you in providing a product according to your needs.
Website : http://americaneaglelub.com/
לקטלוג המוצרים של מותג זה לחצו כאן